Launch event for the Sub-Grants Scheme

EU’s Moving Forward project on 22 January 2018 officially launched the call for proposals Social Inclusion and Economic Reintegration of Victims of trafficking (VOT)/Presumed victims of trafficking (PVOT)”. The Call aims to increase the range and quality of social care and protection services for existing and presumed victims of trafficking, with emphasis on social inclusion and reintegration.

Non-profit organisations which would like to extend their services to victims of trafficking can apply in 2 lots. The first lot will support needs of trafficking victims in daily social life, with projects supported up to 30.000 EUR, and the second lot covers self-sufficiency needs of trafficking victims with grant sizes offered up to 10.000 EUR.

The sub-grant scheme will cover 100% of eligible project costs, with 150.000 EUR offered in total as a part of the scheme.

For more information on procedures for applying for the grant scheme, click here.

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