Call for Proposals “Social Inclusion and Economic Reintegration of Victims of trafficking (VOT)/Presumed victims of trafficking (PVOT)”

We are announcing the foreseen Call for Proposals “Social Inclusion and Economic Reintegration of Victims of trafficking (VOT)/Presumed victims of trafficking (PVOT)” for the sub-granting of funds in frame of the project: “Moving Forward: Promoting Greater Efficiency and Effectiveness in the Fight Against Trafficking in Human Beings (THB) in Kosovo”, an EU funded project managed by the European Union Office in Kosovo and implemented by a consortium led by KMOP Greece.

The overall objective of the Call for Proposals is to increase the range and quality of social care and protection services for VoT/PVoT in a sustainable manner with emphasis on social inclusion and reintegration of VoT.

The Call for Proposals is divided in two lots:

LOT 1: Grants to better respond to the reintegration/inclusion needs of VoT/PVoT in daily social life for licensed and non- licensed CSO/NGO social services providers – EUR 100,000, minimum amount: EUR 5,000-maximum amount: EUR 30,000 per grant.

LOT 2: Grants to better respond to self-sufficiency needs of VoT /PVoT for licensed and non-licensed CSO/NGO social service providers- EUR 50,000, minimum amount EUR 5,000-maximum amount: EUR 10,000 per grant.

The sub-granting scheme will award 100% of eligible cost for a maximum of EUR 150,000 within the required limits and until the funds are available.

In order to be eligible for a grant (both Lots), the applicants must:

  • be a legal person registered and acting in the territory of Kosovo;
  • be non-profit-making;
  • have at least 3 years of experience in offering services to the victims of trafficking, including rehabilitation and re-integration;
  • be a licensed social services provider as per Kosovo national legislation OR be a non licensed social services provider;
  • be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s), not acting as an intermediary;

Entities interested to apply (both Lots) are strongly encouraged to form alliances in order to increase the expected impact and efficiency of the proposed action.

The indicative timetable is:

Call for Proposal launched 22nd of January 2018
Information meetings between 29th of January to 23rd of February 2018
Deadline for submission of Application 9th of March 2018

 The Information meetings will be held in Pristina, as well as in other regions of Kosovo.

Interested applicants may pre-enlist for the Info-meetings by emailing to