The Sub-Grants Scheme “Social Inclusion and Economic Reintegration of Victims of Trafficking and Presumed Victims of Trafficking”

The Family and Childcare Centre (KMOP) in cooperation with EPLO (GR) and PVPT (XK) is seeking proposals for the social inclusion and economic reintegration of victims of trafficking and presumed victims of trafficking in Kosovo with financial assistance from the project the “Moving Forward: Promoting Greater Efficiency and Effectiveness in the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings in Kosovo” financed by European Union Office in Kosovo.

The full Guidelines for Applicants are available for consultation at The deadline for submission of proposals is 9th of March 2018, 17.00 local hours. Several information sessions will be held during 01/29/2018 -02/23/2018. Further queries may be send by email to: by the 26th of February 2018.

Corrigendum No2 to Guidelines for Applicants
Corrigendum to Guidelines for Applicants

Guidelines for Applicants Feb. 25, 2018
Guidelines for Applicants
(Guidelines for Applicants – Previous version)
